Expectations for this leadership role.
Outline of duties and responsibilities.
The IFC must maintain Constitution and Bylaws that are consistent with all NIC Standards.
Sample operating policy for the council.
This code should be adopted as a part of your IFC Constitution and Bylaws.
Example from the Model Constitution and Bylaws that your IFC can utilize in the development of your own code.
Template for IFC leaders to intake complains against members/chapters.
IFC jurisdiction — What should the IFC oversee?
When to review internally vs. when to engage with external parties.
Sep-by-step guide for handling member fraternity conduct.
Steps an IFC can take to help member fraternities realize that unacceptable behavior must not be repeated.
Training resources for a Judicial Board/Committee
Planning guide for a committee education retreat.
NIC/AFA Joint Statement on Recruitment as a Sanction
Formal position from oversight organizations on why educational sanctions are more successful.