The IFC Awards Program aims to recognize and celebrate outstanding IFC communities, student leaders and campus partners positively impacting and advancing the fraternal experience. Notably, those selected for these awards exemplify NIC Standards and Positions, and align with IFC Standard Operating Procedures.
Note: The IFC Awards Program is separate from the NIC Awards of Distinction. These awards recognize the Council, not the organizations/chapters comprising the IFC. Individual awards are given to Outstanding IFC President and Outstanding IFC Advisor.
Nominations require two (2) letters of endorsement (recommendation) — one from the college/university, another from an organization (inter/national fraternity, Council, student or community organization).
IFCs are strongly encouraged to complete the IFC SOP Alignment Report in FS Central. This report helps demonstrate council operations in accordance with the IFC SOP. To access this report in FS Central, log in and navigate to Reporting, Submit Other Reports.
Check out the 2024 IFC Award winners.
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Outstanding IFC
This award recognizes Interfraternity Councils that excel in overall operations that positively impact their member chapters, fraternity/sorority communities and host institutions.
- Goes above and beyond to advocate for fraternal values that are woven into multiple facets of the experience, community and group attitude.
- Holds high standards for all chapters on their campus.
- Aligns with IFC Standard Operating Procedures.
- Champions the responsible growth and development of their fraternity community.
- Demonstrates excellence in all aspects of operations, service and interfraternalism.
Outstanding Community Impact
This award recognizes Interfraternity Councils that participate in and provide opportunities for meaningful community outreach, service, and actively engage campus and community partners to enhance belonging and inclusion in the fraternity experience.
- Initiatives dedicated to improving community relations, outreach and local engagement (public safety, neighborhood relations, non-profit partnerships).
- Committed to actively participating in service and philanthropic opportunities on their college campus as an IFC.
- Provides information and opportunities for their member organizations to participate in community outreach or service locally and/or on campus.
Note: Outstanding Community Impact and Outstanding Commitment to Belonging & Inclusion award categories have been combined to “Outstanding Community Impact,” encompassing belonging and inclusion criteria.
Outstanding Peer Governance
This award recognizes Interfraternity Councils that excel in operations, member accountability, safety and prevention efforts.
- Illustrates commitment to their IFC Code of Conduct and Judicial Code.
- Aligns with NIC Alcohol & Drug Guidelines, maintains proper insurance coverage, strong policy and governing documents (Constitution and Bylaws).
- Implements officer structure inclusive of functional areas provided by the SOP.
- Provides opportunities for IFC officers to educate the fraternity community on areas related to their position and duties.
Outstanding IFC President
This award recognizes IFC Presidents whose leadership has been a driving force for growth, positive change and interfraternalism on their campus. Must currently hold or have held the role of IFC President within the past year.
- Illustrates clear leadership that has shaped the future of their peers and the campus community.
- Deeply committed to the advancement of the fraternal experience and lives the highest standards of fraternity.
Outstanding IFC Advisor
This award recognizes campus-based professionals working in fraternity/sorority life providing exceptional support to an Interfraternity Council in a manner that contributes to overall Council excellence, enhances peer-governance among students, exemplifies interfraternal values and models effective partnerships. Must currently hold or have held the role of IFC Advisor on the campus within the past year.
- Exemplifies fraternal values, mission and purpose.
- Shows collaborative leadership in addressing critical problems and affects systemic change for good.
- Inclusively committed to the personal development of all individuals, challenges students to be the best they can be and encourages progressive change within the Council.