The NIC provides crucial support to IFCs through working with our staff and volunteers as well as our organization, campus and programming partners, to curate this library of IFC resources. Combined with the support you receive at the campus level and from your inter/national organization, we believe a well-rounded collection of resources ranging from officer manuals to instructional videos can set up IFC leaders for success.
Use the sections below to view resources by category. Click the resource heading to download. If you have questions about any of the resources or need additional assistance, contact us at campus@nicfraternity.org.
IFC General Resources
The mission of every Interfraternity Council.
This resource is an example of an IFC Constitution & Bylaws. It shows how these documents should look and what should be included in them.
The IFC Judicial Policies are a critical component to IFC being a self-governing organization, and holding member fraternities accountable to established community values, policies and general good conduct. This resource includes sample IFC Judicial Policies from the Model Constitution and Bylaws that your IFC can utilize in the development of your accountability measures.
Model Officer Installation Ceremony
This resource is a script that can be used as a model for the installation ceremony of newly elected IFC officers and representatives.
Belonging & Inclusion Resources
The NIC’s Belonging & Inclusion Task Force has created resources to better equip fraternities, IFCs, members and the community to use their fraternity as a platform for improving society.
About the NIC Campus Support model
Bundling the tools you need to improve the fraternity experience — consultation, resources, programs, assessments, and even discounts on services that will benefit your fraternity and sorority community — to maximize value for your fraternity community, while helping you streamline planning and budgeting.
Why pay NIC Dues and Insurance? (Video)
Get the most from your dues: Take advantage of this structure that prepares your entire community to take action and empowers interfraternal leaders to achieve trust, confidence and success through a cost-effective support network.
The NIC has a storied history of collaboration with Interfraternity Councils to offer its expertise and guidance in ensuring operational success. If your institution has two or more undergraduate chapters from NIC Member Fraternities, an IFC should be established and chartered by the NIC.
Accessing Partner Discounts
My IFC is looking to access the partner benefits offered in my dues and/or campus support package. Contacts for the individual services are:
- Chapter Builder Dashboard and/or Campus Director powered by TechniPhi: Josh Orendi, josh@phiredup.com
- OmegaFi: Addison Schoop, aschopp@omegafi.com
The NIC Campus Support Model’s basic level includes concierge service for consultation, assessment, programming and more with a dedicated representative from the Campus Support Team, based on geographic region:
- Todd Sullivan: Region 1 (blue on the map) and Big 10 schools. Email Todd
- Russell Best: Region 2 (red on the map) ACC, Big 12 and SEC schools. Email Russell
- Dan Faill: Region 3 (green on the map) and PAC 12 schools. Email Dan
For general questions, email campus@nicfraternity.org or consult the NIC staff list.


Managing Your Data in FS Central
FS Central is the portal that allows councils, colleges and universities, fraternities, housing corporations and other fraternal groups to maintain data in one place. Visit the portal at fscentral.org.
IFC FS Central
- Maintain accurate data in this hub so that your officers and members stay up to date. This data includes your:
- Contact List
- Group Profile
- Governing documents and important information (including Constitution and Bylaws, Code of Conduct, meeting minutes, event agreements, etc.)
- Chapter membership listing
- Work with your Vice President of Operations and campus professional to set up best practices for your council and/or organization.
- Keep your personal information updated so you can receive up-to-date information and register for events and programs!
What information will I need?
- For an individual or officer: Name, email, phone number, chapter of initiation
- For a council or organization: Affiliation/name, any available contact information
How do I use it?
Each person has a Fraternity-Sorority ID (FSID) that is connected to their personal email. Visit FSCentral.org and sign in or create your account. Note that if you have been an IFC officer previously, you may have an existing account.
IMPORTANT: You must use a personal email address attached to your name (not campusIFCofficer@gmail.com) for your FSID.
Each person has a Fraternity-Sorority ID (FSID) that is connected to their personal email.
Uploading meeting minutes, governing documents, policies and related materials.
Your FS Central roster should reflect every chapter that’s at your institution. Includes how to add expansions/new chapters.
Get all IFC officers and contacts on the listserv.
Insurance Exemptions are due before September 1 annually. End of Term Reports are based on your campus’ academic calendar.
Invoices may be paid online through FS Central or by check, mailed to: North American Interfraternity Conference, 11722 Allisonville Road, Ste 103, Box 352, Fishers IN 46038.
Log in and look for the Events menu item.
Officer Manuals
When your IFC pays its annual NIC dues, it will receive access to additional resources to support officer development and leadership structure. See additional information on benefits outlined in the NIC Dues structure here.
AS OF FALL 2020: We have revised the IFC resources and grown the development toolkit for IFC officers to facilitate strong, well-respected Interfraternity Councils and officers. Password is required; dues-paying campuses can retrieve their password by emailing their Campus Support contact.
IFC Officer General
The cycle of the members of a community and how a good IFC can support chapter health.
Tips for a memorable transition including sample script.
Show your pride in your Interfraternity Council with apparel, officer jewelry and more!
Instagram Graphics & Templates
DOWNLOAD: Sample Instagram graphics, captions & templates
- IFCs are welcome to use the graphics provided as is or download the Adobe Illustrator template to update the graphics to reflect their community members/organizations and institution colors.
Facebook Graphics & Templates
DOWNLOAD: Sample Facebook graphics, captions & templates
- IFCs are welcome to use the graphics provided as is or download the Adobe Illustrator template to update the graphics to reflect their community members/organizations and institution colors.
Twitter Graphics & Templates
DOWNLOAD: Sample Twitter graphics, tweets & templates
- IFCs are welcome to use the graphics provided as is or download the Adobe Illustrator template to update the graphics to reflect their community members/organizations and institution colors.
Do you have questions? Email us!
IFC Subject Matter Expert Meeting Request
Request a meeting with a subject matter expert on accountability; belonging and inclusion; health and safety; or marketing and growth. Meetings are free for dues-paying councils.
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