The IFC Awards Program honors those who advance the fraternal movement and have a direct, positive impact on fraternity. 

In addition to the NIC’s Awards of Distinction, we look forward to continuing to celebrate student success through the expanded IFC Awards Program, recognizing those campuses and councils that exemplify NIC Standards and aim to align with IFC Standard Operating Procedures

2024 IFC Award Winners 

Outstanding IFC 

The Outstanding IFC Award recognizes Interfraternity Councils (IFCs) that excel in operations and positively impact their member chapters, their fraternity/sorority communities and host institutions. 

Iowa State University

Iowa State University Unwavering advocates for fraternal values, high standards for chapters and sound council operations. A well-rounded offering of educational and community engagement programs. “The Iowa State Interfraternity Council fully embodies the principles of leadership, integrity and community.”  

Monmouth College

Monmouth College Emphasis on year-round, 365-recruitment practices and strategic marketing. Collaborative and efficient community leaders focused on increasing male campus leadership participation and partnerships with administration. “Our IFC men… perform well academically, are involved in all areas of campus, and are raising the bar when it comes to programming.”

Quinnipiac University

Quinnipiac University Exceptional dedication to building a more inclusive, respectful and impactful fraternity community. “In every initiative, the IFC at QU exemplifies a dedication to community, growth, and positive change that deserves recognition. It has been a privilege to work alongside this board, watching them grow as leaders and as advocates for a safer, more inclusive community.” 

Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech Exemplary commitment to advancing academics, health, safety and community engagement. Thoughtfully debunked negative stigmas of the fraternity experience and built bridges across campus. Embracing growth and record-breaking recruitment. “The 2024 student leaders have carried forward the legacy of the leaders who have come before them, and continue to work hard towards the end of their terms to leave a legacy that ensures our community leads the way in Blacksburg and beyond.” 

Outstanding Community Impact  

This award recognizes Interfraternity Councils that participate in and provide opportunities for meaningful community outreach, service, and actively engage campus and community partners to enhance belonging and inclusion in the fraternity experience.

Note: Outstanding Community Impact and Outstanding Commitment to Belonging & Inclusion award categories have been combined to “Outstanding Community Impact,” encompassing belonging and inclusion criteria. 

  • Christopher Newport University Partnership with York County Chamber of Commerce; championed philanthropic initiatives across campus; facilitated crucial conversations about identity, privilege, and empathy 
  • Clemson University Food and supply drive for Clemson Community Care in the wake of Hurricane Helene; partnership with ClemsonLIFE program 
  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (FL) Comprehensive alcohol, drug abuse and overdose prevention education, bystander first-aid and intervention skills training 
  • Kansas State University Wildcat Dialogues collaborative team-building and discussion on inclusivity; extensive community outreach and volunteerism 
  • Michigan Tech Multiple philanthropic initiatives and voter registration drive; partnership with the City of Houghton, Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly and Copper Country Humane Society 
  • Texas Christian University IFC Day of Service during recruitment with Fort Worth local schools 
  • University of Alabama Project THRIVE to help and support men’s mental health 
  • University of Arizona Partnership with Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse and important discussions around healthy masculinity 
  • Virginia Tech Men’s Health Week; partnership with Blacksburg Police Department among other “town and gown” outreach 

Outstanding Peer Governance  

This award recognizes Interfraternity Councils that excel in operations, member accountability, safety and prevention efforts.

  • Kansas State University Reviewed and revised governing documents, developed Social Responsibility Policy and launched a Social Responsibility Committee; overall excellent council operations 
  • Missouri University of Science and Technology Comprehensive and autonomous council operations and programming 

Outstanding IFC President 

The Outstanding IFC President Award recognizes IFC Presidents whose leadership has been a driving force for growth, positive change and interfraternalism on their campus.

  • Bradyn “Brady” Arrenius Monmouth College 
  • Sammy Barr University of Southern California-Independent 
  • Cole Gibson Clemson University 
  • Jackson Gordon Southern Methodist University 
  • Carey Hereford Samford University 
  • Kettner Hunter University of Colorado Boulder 
  • Johnathan Martinez University of Missouri
  • Toby Trowbridge Louisiana State University 

Outstanding IFC Advisor 

This award recognizes campus-based professionals working in fraternity/sorority life providing exceptional support to an Interfraternity Council in a manner that contributes to overall Council excellence, enhances peer-governance among students, exemplifies interfraternal values and models effective partnerships.

  • Marissa Griffin Northern Arizona University 
  • Tianna Pride Ball State University 
  • Cody Sallee University of Missouri
  • Alexandria Wilson Kansas State University

Please direct any questions about the awards process and the development of this program to