About the NIC Campus Support model
Bundling the tools you need to improve the fraternity experience — consultation, resources, programs, assessments, and even discounts on services that will benefit your fraternity and sorority community — to maximize value for your fraternity community, while helping you streamline planning and budgeting.
Why pay NIC Dues and Insurance? (Video)
Get the most from your dues: Take advantage of this structure that prepares your entire community to take action and empowers interfraternal leaders to achieve trust, confidence and success through a cost-effective support network.
The NIC has a storied history of collaboration with Interfraternity Councils to offer its expertise and guidance in ensuring operational success. If your institution has two or more undergraduate chapters from NIC Member Fraternities, an IFC should be established and chartered by the NIC.
Accessing Partner Discounts
My IFC is looking to access the partner benefits offered in my dues and/or campus support package. Contacts for the individual services are:
- Chapter Builder Dashboard and/or Campus Director powered by TechniPhi: Josh Orendi, josh@phiredup.com
- OmegaFi: Addison Schoop, aschopp@omegafi.com