As the IFC President, faculty, staff, students and others will look at you as the face of the fraternity community. Learn about your role as an interfraternal leader, the internal and external responsibilities of the position, how to lead a meeting, and more.
As the IFC Vice President of Recruitment, it is your responsibility to oversee the promotion of the entire fraternity community and support chapter recruitment chairs. Learn about recruitment events, recruitment policies, and more.
As the IFC Vice President of Finance, you are the primary financial officer of the organization. Use this guide to learn about budgets, financial reporting and more.
IFC Judicial Affairs Officer Guide
As the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs, it is your responsibility to see that the organization handles all fraternal disciplinary matters both professionally and with guaranteed due process. This guide includes information about the IFC Code of Conduct, due process, judicial committees and more.
As the IFC Vice President of Scholarship, you oversee the promotion and recognition of academic excellence among member fraternities and individuals. Use this guide to learn about your responsibilities and how to create a successful academic environment.
IFC Community Relations Officer Guide
As IFC Vice President of Community Relations, it is your job to see that relationships are established with constituencies outside of the undergraduate fraternal community. Use this guide to learn how to pursue and maintain an open and honest dialogue with various audiences to further the advancement of a positive fraternal image.