Make a Nomination

Undergraduate Award of Distinction

Must be a current undergraduate in good standing with their organization or young alumnus who graduated in the past year

  • Illustrates clear leadership that has shaped the future of their organization, their peers and the campus community.
  • Models and teaches ethical servant leadership and elevates the Ritual and values of their member fraternity.
  • Deeply committed to the advancement of the fraternal experience and lives the highest standards of fraternity.

Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 15

Chapter Award of Distinction

Must be in good standing with the inter/national organization and in alignment with NIC Standards

  • Goes above and beyond to establish fraternal values that are woven into multiple facets of the experience, community and group attitude.
  • Holds high standards for all individual members and thoughtfully strives to develop members into better men.
  • Shows excellence in all aspects of chapter operations, academics, service and interfraternalism.

Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 15

Advisor Award of Distinction

An individual who has provided tenured support to a chapter and/or community through inter/national headquarters affiliation

  • Exemplifies fraternity values, mission, purpose.
  • Shows collaborative leadership in addressing critical problems and affects systemic change for good.
  • Inclusively committed to the personal development of all individuals, challenges students to be the best they can be, encourages progressive change.

Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 15

Alumnus Award of Distinction

Recognizes accomplished leadership and service the local, regional or national level

  • Provides exceptional and sustained service to their own fraternity and/or campus community and/or the extended interfraternal world.
  • Exhibits a strong belief in interfraternalism and has committed to action that supports interfraternal values.
  • Fosters positive change that advances the fraternal movement.

Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 15

Laurel Wreath Award

Recognizes unique programs, community outreach, or influence within the fraternal world by an NIC member organization.

Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 15

Gold and Silver Medals

The Gold Medal is the highest honor the Conference can bestow and recognizes lifelong service to the interfraternal community and/or the NIC. The Silver Medal recognizes exemplary service or leadership in a role or task that has advanced the fraternal movement.

Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 15