Today, America continues to face the issue of racism and as fraternity men we must acknowledge and denounce all forms of hate and intolerance. We must unite around the notion that fraternal bonds are built on concepts of respect, dignity and empathy for all people.
Representing a diverse range of fraternity men, the NIC has in recent years invested significant resources in supporting emerging and culturally-based fraternities as well as enhancing education for all fraternity members on the importance of belonging and inclusion. We are inspired by fraternity men across the country fighting racism and supporting Black Lives Matters efforts.
We are taking action now to further support our member fraternities, interfraternity councils and communities by ensuring our governing documents promote belonging and do not further racism. The NIC also is developing resources to help our councils and campuses improve belonging and inclusion and hosting conversations to address racism, intolerance and hate.
First, Kevin Bennett, Executive Director of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, will chair a working group to thoroughly review current NIC governing documents and bring forward recommendations to the Governing Council in as needed in the areas of discrimination and intolerance.
Second, the NIC, AFLV (Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values), Northeast Greek Leadership Association (NGLA) and the Southeastern Greek Leadership Association (SGLA) are partnering to develop and enhance resources for IFC officers and the greater fraternity and sorority community in the areas of belonging and inclusion which will be implemented through programs from all four organizations.
Third, NIC President and CEO Judson Horras will host video-based fireside conversations with key interfraternal leaders to address topics including racism, belonging and inclusion. These productive conversations will provide for open dialogue and model undergraduate engagement.
Additionally, the NIC is working to collaborate with all fraternity/sorority-related umbrella and leadership development organizations in higher education to develop ideas and programs around activism and advocacy centered on belonging and inclusion.
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Media Contact: Todd Shelton
Campus Support: Will Foran